Our team

Get ready to meet our powerhouse team at movement okanagan. Whether you're working with our accredited Physiotherapists, optimizing your health with our dedicated Strength & Conditioning Coaches, or getting support from our energetic Support Team, you'll feel a welcoming environment buzzing with enthusiasm and expertise.


Roy Gillespie

Roy is dedicated to helping his patients return to the activities they love. Guiding patients through their health journeys and seeing them overcome challenges is incredibly rewarding for him. Originally from Nova Scotia, Roy loves Kelowna's weather and the opportunity to enjoy outdoor activities year-round. His favourite sport used to be basketball growing up, but now he enjoys golf.

Partner/Director of Operations

Roberta Gizen

With a background in strength and conditioning, Roberta has always been fascinated by the human body's capabilities. At movement okanagan, she has helped create a platform that guides clients through their rehab journeys, pushing the boundaries of physiotherapy. She loves Kelowna's supportive community and its four-season beauty. Roberta's favourite form of exercise is resistance training; it's her zen. Cycling comes in as a close second.


  • Erin Brucker

    MPT, BHK

    “I work in this industry because it combines the two things I most enjoy: movement and connecting with people. I love being able to play a part in someone's journey to returning to the things they love to do, whether that be lifting their grandkids up, playing pickleball, or participating in high-level sports.

    I love Kelowna because the outdoors is right in our backyard - we can hike, ski, trail run, and cycle all in the same day if we wanted to! Everything I enjoy most in life involves moving my body in some way, so this seems like one of the most ideal cities to do that in! I might be a bit biased though because I am a born and raised Kelownian.

    Pick just one favourite type of movement/exercise/sport? Impossible. I love to mix it up all the time, but right now I would have to say it’s road cycling. I just joined a cycling club, and I am really excited about it! But as we near summer, I also love to dabble in a bit of spike ball.”

  • Jordy Worsfold

    MPT, BHK

    “I joined this industry to that I could confirm with credentials how much my child is excelling developmentally. I also have a passion for being able to play and move long term and I love the chance to help others do the same.

    What I love most about Kelowna is when I was crowned Kelowna's heaviest hitter in grade 6 kickball in front of the entire student body. It was a perfect 23 degrees with 82% humidity.

    My favourite type of movement/exercise/sport? Making sure I am the first Dad on a Saturday to fire up the lawn mower and cut that lawn. Game on.”

  • Ty Perry

    MPT, BScHK, ACCDEN, TPI Certified

    “I love helping people get back to doing what they love. Whether that’s returning to a professional sport, or just wanting to be able to play with grandkids. Physiotherapy allows me to combine this love as well as my passion and understanding for exercise, movement, sport, and anatomy, so that I can help you get back to your health-related goals!

    What do I love most about Kelowna? What isn't there to love? You can golf and ski and even boat sometimes on the same day. The weather is beautiful year-round. The lake, the mountains, and the sunshine are amazing. Big fan of the wineries and breweries, too. Hits a lot of points for me.

    Favourite sport? Tough choice, but I'd have to say hockey as I played competitively until I was 21 and I'm also a huge Habs fan. I was probably a better rugby and football player though, which are still very big passions of mine. Right now you can find me regularly training at CrossFit Okanagan, and I do still play beer league hockey in the Pacific Adult Hockey League here in Kelowna.

    Favourite movement/exercise: Deadlifts and Power Cleans.”

  • Ben White

    MPT, BHK, CSCS, TPI Certified

    “I work as a physiotherapist because it allows me to engage in the fascinating puzzle of the human body using both intellect and hands-on skills. I also find it incredibly rewarding to facilitate people's journey back to their desired sports and daily activities, making a tangible difference in their lives.

    What I love the most about Kelowna is the fact that I have spent most of my life here and have roots in the community. The outdoor activities that Kelowna has to offer are pretty great too.

    My favourite exercise? The Bulgarian Split Squat - it provides the strength, mobility, and balance that is required to prevent many musculoskeletal issues . Favourite sport. Golf. It’s a love/hate relationship.”

Strength & Conditioning Coaches

  • Shane Pizzey

    MKin, CEP, BCAK

    "I coach because it is who I am. The passion to help others succeed fuels me. Helping people achieve their goals gives me purpose.

    What I love most about Kelowna is it’s not Vancouver! Kelowna provides me with a community that embraces my expertise and allows for me to fulfill my passions in many areas: professional, recreational and familial.

    Favourite movement/exercise/sport? Whichever ones get the job done. I'm married to outcomes, not the methods to get there."

  • Brandon Raine

    B.Sc, CSCS, TPI Certified

    “Why do I work in this industry? To help athletes achieve the next level and give back to the sports that gave me so much growing up.

    What I love most about Kelowna would be the views, the summer atmosphere, and the breweries aren’t bad either

    My favourite sport? Golf. Hockey is a close second. My favourite exercise...Deadlifts. Favourite movement would be….. does paddling count? Paddle board."

  • Tristan Simmonds

    BKin, CSEP-CPT

    “I LOVE working with people, chatting about health and wellness, and having the most rewarding job on the planet. Once someone or an athlete understands that physical activity and exercise goes beyond talking about time durations, sport performance or even sets and reps they will become the Terminator. I love helping people get there.

    Favourite thing about Kelowna? Mountains, mountains and the mountains.

    Favourite movement/exercise/sport would be EVERYTHING other than tennis... that's my kryptonite.”

Support Team

  • Jayda Jurome

    Administrative Assistant

    “Movement and health are a big part of who I am. I love being surrounded by like-minded individuals who are helping our community through their most vulnerable movement challenges. As well, I love learning from the best in the field!

    I love Kelowna's 4 distinct seasons and the endless outdoor adventures they offer. Whether it’s skiing at Big White in the winter, trail running through the balsamroot flowers the spring, waterskiing in the summer or ripping a lakeshore lap on my bike in the fall, there’s always a fun adventure amongst the stunning Okanagan scenery.

    Favourite movement? Anything outside, with trail running being my absolute favourite!”

  • MO Puppy, Lily


  • Rachael Douglas

    Administrative Assistant

    “I am currently a student at UBCO studying health and exercise sciences, hoping to pursue a future in physiotherapy. I have always had a passion for helping others and brightening up someone’s day!

    I love how beautiful it is here in Kelowna and how everybody is so friendly and welcoming.

    My favourite sport is hockey as I grew up playing at a young age and my favourite exercise is anything outside.”

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